now you can forget the TS-linux stuff on it and install your own linux distro and boot it from a CF. My system has got a 4 GB Sandisk CF (30 MB/s) with Debian Lenny on it.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Playing with a TS7200.
Technologic Systems TS-7200 is a PC104 form factor SBC board based on Cirrus Logic EP9302. This is an ARM 9 microcontroller based on ARM920T core plus a bunch of less and more useful peripherals. This piece of hardware would be very funny to use and experiment on if you're gonna install a linux distro on it. First of all, as you can see on the previous sites I wrote, the system come with
PC/104 expansion bus
8MB NOR Flash
1 10/100 Ethernet
2 USB 2.0 (12 Mbit/s max)
1 Compact Flash socket
2 COM ports
20 DIO lines
2 12-bit ADC
Watchdog timer, SPI bus
Matrix Keypad and text LCD support
Redboot bootloader (installed)
TS-linux busybox (installed)
now you can forget the TS-linux stuff on it and install your own linux distro and boot it from a CF. My system has got a 4 GB Sandisk CF (30 MB/s) with Debian Lenny on it.
now you can forget the TS-linux stuff on it and install your own linux distro and boot it from a CF. My system has got a 4 GB Sandisk CF (30 MB/s) with Debian Lenny on it.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Qt 4.6 tutorial in Lisp
;; first qt tutorial
(defpackage :qt-tutorial1
(:use :cl :qt)
(:export :main))
(in-package :qt-tutorial1)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :qt)
(defvar *qapp*)
(defun main ()
(let ((hello-button (#_new QPushButton "Hello world!")))
(#_resize hello-button 100 30)
(#_show hello-button)))
;; first qt tutorial
(defpackage :qt-tutorial1
(:use :cl :qt)
(:export :main))
(in-package :qt-tutorial1)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :qt)
(defvar *qapp*)
(defun main ()
(let ((hello-button (#_new QPushButton "Hello world!")))
(#_resize hello-button 100 30)
(#_show hello-button)))
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Thursday, 5 May 2011
After all they are only circuits
On circuit-simulator an almost complete software to deal with electrical circuits e.g.: diode, switches, generators and so on at the cheap price of nothing. Docs for this program are still in development as the google code wiki page.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Here it is the starting project
;; G26 communication protocol
(defpackage :g26
(:use :common-lisp))
(in-package :g26)
(defclass g26-message ()
((logical-channel :initarg :logical-channel)
(command-code :initarg :command-code)
(data-length :initarg :data-length)
(data :initarg :data)
(crc-code :initarg :crc-code)))
(defparameter *crc-table*
(make-array 256
:element-type 'unsigned-word
'(#x0000 #x1021 #x2042 #x3063 #x4084 #x50A5 #x60C6 #x70E7
#x8108 #x9129 #xA14A #xB16B #xC18C #xD1AD #xE1CE #xF1EF
#x1231 #x0210 #x3273 #x2252 #x52B5 #x4294 #x72F7 #x62D6
#x9339 #x8318 #xB37B #xA35A #xD3BD #xC39C #xF3FF #xE3DE
#x2462 #x3443 #x0420 #x1401 #x64E6 #x74C7 #x44A4 #x5485
#xA56A #xB54B #x8528 #x9509 #xE5EE #xF5CF #xC5AC #xD58D
#x3653 #x2672 #x1611 #x0630 #x76D7 #x66F6 #x5695 #x46B4
#xB75B #xA77A #x9719 #x8738 #xF7DF #xE7FE #xD79D #xC7BC
#x48C4 #x58E5 #x6886 #x78A7 #x0840 #x1861 #x2802 #x3823
#xC9CC #xD9ED #xE98E #xF9AF #x8948 #x9969 #xA90A #xB92B
#x5AF5 #x4AD4 #x7AB7 #x6A96 #x1A71 #x0A50 #x3A33 #x2A12
#xDBFD #xCBDC #xFBBF #xEB9E #x9B79 #x8B58 #xBB3B #xAB1A
#x6CA6 #x7C87 #x4CE4 #x5CC5 #x2C22 #x3C03 #x0C60 #x1C41
#xEDAE #xFD8F #xCDEC #xDDCD #xAD2A #xBD0B #x8D68 #x9D49
#x7E97 #x6EB6 #x5ED5 #x4EF4 #x3E13 #x2E32 #x1E51 #x0E70
#xFF9F #xEFBE #xDFDD #xCFFC #xBF1B #xAF3A #x9F59 #x8F78
#x9188 #x81A9 #xB1CA #xA1EB #xD10C #xC12D #xF14E #xE16F
#x1080 #x00A1 #x30C2 #x20E3 #x5004 #x4025 #x7046 #x6067
#x83B9 #x9398 #xA3FB #xB3DA #xC33D #xD31C #xE37F #xF35E
#x02B1 #x1290 #x22F3 #x32D2 #x4235 #x5214 #x6277 #x7256
#xB5EA #xA5CB #x95A8 #x8589 #xF56E #xE54F #xD52C #xC50D
#x34E2 #x24C3 #x14A0 #x0481 #x7466 #x6447 #x5424 #x4405
#xA7DB #xB7FA #x8799 #x97B8 #xE75F #xF77E #xC71D #xD73C
#x26D3 #x36F2 #x0691 #x16B0 #x6657 #x7676 #x4615 #x5634
#xD94C #xC96D #xF90E #xE92F #x99C8 #x89E9 #xB98A #xA9AB
#x5844 #x4865 #x7806 #x6827 #x18C0 #x08E1 #x3882 #x28A3
#xCB7D #xDB5C #xEB3F #xFB1E #x8BF9 #x9BD8 #xABBB #xBB9A
#x4A75 #x5A54 #x6A37 #x7A16 #x0AF1 #x1AD0 #x2AB3 #x3A92
#xFD2E #xED0F #xDD6C #xCD4D #xBDAA #xAD8B #x9DE8 #x8DC9
#x7C26 #x6C07 #x5C64 #x4C45 #x3CA2 #x2C83 #x1CE0 #x0CC1
#xEF1F #xFF3E #xCF5D #xDF7C #xAF9B #xBFBA #x8FD9 #x9FF8
#x6E17 #x7E36 #x4E55 #x5E74 #x2E93 #x3EB2 #x0ED1 #x1EF0)))
(defparameter *qload*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x00
:command-code #x01
:data-length #x0b
:data (make-array 11 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-general*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x10
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-motors*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x11
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray1*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x12
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray2*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x13
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray3*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x14
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-processes*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x15
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-peltier*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x16
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-photometer*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x17
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-outputs*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x18
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray1*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x12
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *version-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x80
:command-code #x19
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *operator-go*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x10
:command-code #x20
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *operator-kill*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x10
:command-code #x21
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
(defparameter *ack-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x20
:command-code #x80
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
(defparameter *nak-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x20
:command-code #x83
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
;; open a serial port-like device
(defun open-serial-port (tty-name)
(unless (stringp tty-name)
(error "open-serial-port: wrong device name."))
(sb-posix:open tty-name (logior sb-posix:O-RDWR sb-posix:O-NOCTTY sb-posix:O-NONBLOCK sb-posix:O-NDELAY)))
;; close a special file
(defun close-serial-port (fd)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "close-serial-port: wrong file descriptor value."))
(sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix:F-SETFL 0)
(sb-posix:close fd))
(defun get-serial-port-config (fd)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "get-serial-port-config: wrong file descriptor value."))
(sb-posix:tcgetattr fd))
(defun set-serial-port-config (fd config &key iflag oflag cflag lflag)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "set-serial-port-config: serial port not open."))
((not (eql iflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-iflag config) iflag))
((not (eql oflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-oflag config) oflag))
((not (eql cflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-cflag config) cflag))
((not (eql lflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-lflag config) lflag)))
(sb-posix:tcsetattr fd sb-posix:TCIFLUSH config)
; g26 message to unsigned byte array
(defun message-to-array (message)
(unless (null message)
(let ((message-body (make-array (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 5) :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)))
(setf (aref message-body 0) (slot-value message 'logical-channel))
(setf (aref message-body 1) (slot-value message 'command-code))
(setf (aref message-body 2) (slot-value message 'data-length))
(replace message-body (slot-value message 'data) :start1 3)
(setf (aref message-body (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 3)) (logand (slot-value message 'crc-code) #xff))
(setf (aref message-body (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 4)) (logand (ash (slot-value message 'crc-code) -8) #xff))
; unsigned byte array to g26 message
(defun array-to-message (message-body)
(unless (null message-body)
(when (arrayp message-body)
(when (> (length message-body) 4)
(let ((message (make-instance 'g26-message)))
(setf (slot-value message 'logical-channel) (aref message-body 0))
(setf (slot-value message 'command-code) (aref message-body 1))
(setf (slot-value message 'data-length) (aref message-body 2))
(setf (slot-value message 'data) (make-array (aref message-body 2) :element-type 'unsigned-byte))
(replace (slot-value message 'data) message-body :start2 3)
(setf (slot-value message 'crc-code) (logior (aref message-body (+ (aref message-body 2) 3)) (ash (aref message-body (+ (aref message-body 2) 4)) 8)))
; receive g26 message
(defun get-message (fd)
(when (null fd)
(error "get-message: serial port not open."))
(let ((message-body (make-array 261 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)))
(when (= (read-sequence message-body fd) 3)
(when (= (read-sequence message-body fd :start 3) (+ (aref message-body 2) 2))
(crc16 (subseq message-body 0 (- (length message-body) 2)))
(let ((message (array-to-message message-body)))
; send a message to g26
(defun send-message (fd message)
(when (null fd)
(error "send-message: serial port not open."))
(when (null message)
(error "send-message: wrong message."))
(let ((message-body (message-to-array message)))
(loop for i from 0 below (length message-body) do
(write-byte (aref message-body i) fd))
(length message-body)))
; start it all
(defun start-communication (serial-port-name)
(let ((serial-port-descriptor (open-serial-port serial-port-name)))
(when (< serial-port-descriptor 0)
(error "start-communication: serial port not open."))
(let ((serial-port-config (get-serial-port-config serial-port-descriptor)))
(setf (sb-posix:termios-cflag serial-port-config) (logior sb-posix:b115200 sb-posix:PARENB sb-posix:PARODD))
(set-serial-port-config serial-port-descriptor serial-port-config)
; let's communicate with g26
(let ((serial-port-stream (sb-sys:make-fd-stream serial-port-descriptor :element-type 'unsigned-byte)))
(send-message serial-port-stream *status-general*)
(close serial-port-stream)
(close-serial-port serial-port-descriptor)))))
; crc16 calculation
(defun crc16 (buffer)
(unless (null buffer)
(when (arrayp buffer)
(let ((crc-value 0))
(loop for i from 0 below (length buffer) do
(setf crc-value (logand (logxor (aref *crc-table* (logxor (ash crc-value -8) (aref buffer i))) (ash crc-value 8)) #xffff)))
Thanks to smart people on #lisp: Xach, stassat, H4ns and the others :)
G26 it's a smart robot that performs biological/chemical manipulations on human fluids.
(defpackage :g26
(:use :common-lisp))
(in-package :g26)
(defclass g26-message ()
((logical-channel :initarg :logical-channel)
(command-code :initarg :command-code)
(data-length :initarg :data-length)
(data :initarg :data)
(crc-code :initarg :crc-code)))
(defparameter *crc-table*
(make-array 256
:element-type 'unsigned-word
'(#x0000 #x1021 #x2042 #x3063 #x4084 #x50A5 #x60C6 #x70E7
#x8108 #x9129 #xA14A #xB16B #xC18C #xD1AD #xE1CE #xF1EF
#x1231 #x0210 #x3273 #x2252 #x52B5 #x4294 #x72F7 #x62D6
#x9339 #x8318 #xB37B #xA35A #xD3BD #xC39C #xF3FF #xE3DE
#x2462 #x3443 #x0420 #x1401 #x64E6 #x74C7 #x44A4 #x5485
#xA56A #xB54B #x8528 #x9509 #xE5EE #xF5CF #xC5AC #xD58D
#x3653 #x2672 #x1611 #x0630 #x76D7 #x66F6 #x5695 #x46B4
#xB75B #xA77A #x9719 #x8738 #xF7DF #xE7FE #xD79D #xC7BC
#x48C4 #x58E5 #x6886 #x78A7 #x0840 #x1861 #x2802 #x3823
#xC9CC #xD9ED #xE98E #xF9AF #x8948 #x9969 #xA90A #xB92B
#x5AF5 #x4AD4 #x7AB7 #x6A96 #x1A71 #x0A50 #x3A33 #x2A12
#xDBFD #xCBDC #xFBBF #xEB9E #x9B79 #x8B58 #xBB3B #xAB1A
#x6CA6 #x7C87 #x4CE4 #x5CC5 #x2C22 #x3C03 #x0C60 #x1C41
#xEDAE #xFD8F #xCDEC #xDDCD #xAD2A #xBD0B #x8D68 #x9D49
#x7E97 #x6EB6 #x5ED5 #x4EF4 #x3E13 #x2E32 #x1E51 #x0E70
#xFF9F #xEFBE #xDFDD #xCFFC #xBF1B #xAF3A #x9F59 #x8F78
#x9188 #x81A9 #xB1CA #xA1EB #xD10C #xC12D #xF14E #xE16F
#x1080 #x00A1 #x30C2 #x20E3 #x5004 #x4025 #x7046 #x6067
#x83B9 #x9398 #xA3FB #xB3DA #xC33D #xD31C #xE37F #xF35E
#x02B1 #x1290 #x22F3 #x32D2 #x4235 #x5214 #x6277 #x7256
#xB5EA #xA5CB #x95A8 #x8589 #xF56E #xE54F #xD52C #xC50D
#x34E2 #x24C3 #x14A0 #x0481 #x7466 #x6447 #x5424 #x4405
#xA7DB #xB7FA #x8799 #x97B8 #xE75F #xF77E #xC71D #xD73C
#x26D3 #x36F2 #x0691 #x16B0 #x6657 #x7676 #x4615 #x5634
#xD94C #xC96D #xF90E #xE92F #x99C8 #x89E9 #xB98A #xA9AB
#x5844 #x4865 #x7806 #x6827 #x18C0 #x08E1 #x3882 #x28A3
#xCB7D #xDB5C #xEB3F #xFB1E #x8BF9 #x9BD8 #xABBB #xBB9A
#x4A75 #x5A54 #x6A37 #x7A16 #x0AF1 #x1AD0 #x2AB3 #x3A92
#xFD2E #xED0F #xDD6C #xCD4D #xBDAA #xAD8B #x9DE8 #x8DC9
#x7C26 #x6C07 #x5C64 #x4C45 #x3CA2 #x2C83 #x1CE0 #x0CC1
#xEF1F #xFF3E #xCF5D #xDF7C #xAF9B #xBFBA #x8FD9 #x9FF8
#x6E17 #x7E36 #x4E55 #x5E74 #x2E93 #x3EB2 #x0ED1 #x1EF0)))
(defparameter *qload*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x00
:command-code #x01
:data-length #x0b
:data (make-array 11 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-general*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x10
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-motors*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x11
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray1*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x12
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray2*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x13
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray3*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x14
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-processes*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x15
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-peltier*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x16
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-photometer*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x17
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-outputs*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x18
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *status-tray1*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x04
:command-code #x12
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *version-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x80
:command-code #x19
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *operator-go*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x10
:command-code #x20
:data-length #x00
:data nil
:crc-code #x0000))
(defparameter *operator-kill*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x10
:command-code #x21
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
(defparameter *ack-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x20
:command-code #x80
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
(defparameter *nak-message*
(make-instance 'g26-message
:logical-channel #x20
:command-code #x83
:data-length #x01
:data (make-array 1 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)
:crc-code #xffff))
;; open a serial port-like device
(defun open-serial-port (tty-name)
(unless (stringp tty-name)
(error "open-serial-port: wrong device name."))
(sb-posix:open tty-name (logior sb-posix:O-RDWR sb-posix:O-NOCTTY sb-posix:O-NONBLOCK sb-posix:O-NDELAY)))
;; close a special file
(defun close-serial-port (fd)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "close-serial-port: wrong file descriptor value."))
(sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix:F-SETFL 0)
(sb-posix:close fd))
(defun get-serial-port-config (fd)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "get-serial-port-config: wrong file descriptor value."))
(sb-posix:tcgetattr fd))
(defun set-serial-port-config (fd config &key iflag oflag cflag lflag)
(when (< fd 0)
(error "set-serial-port-config: serial port not open."))
((not (eql iflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-iflag config) iflag))
((not (eql oflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-oflag config) oflag))
((not (eql cflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-cflag config) cflag))
((not (eql lflag nil)) (setf (sb-posix:termios-lflag config) lflag)))
(sb-posix:tcsetattr fd sb-posix:TCIFLUSH config)
; g26 message to unsigned byte array
(defun message-to-array (message)
(unless (null message)
(let ((message-body (make-array (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 5) :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)))
(setf (aref message-body 0) (slot-value message 'logical-channel))
(setf (aref message-body 1) (slot-value message 'command-code))
(setf (aref message-body 2) (slot-value message 'data-length))
(replace message-body (slot-value message 'data) :start1 3)
(setf (aref message-body (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 3)) (logand (slot-value message 'crc-code) #xff))
(setf (aref message-body (+ (slot-value message 'data-length) 4)) (logand (ash (slot-value message 'crc-code) -8) #xff))
; unsigned byte array to g26 message
(defun array-to-message (message-body)
(unless (null message-body)
(when (arrayp message-body)
(when (> (length message-body) 4)
(let ((message (make-instance 'g26-message)))
(setf (slot-value message 'logical-channel) (aref message-body 0))
(setf (slot-value message 'command-code) (aref message-body 1))
(setf (slot-value message 'data-length) (aref message-body 2))
(setf (slot-value message 'data) (make-array (aref message-body 2) :element-type 'unsigned-byte))
(replace (slot-value message 'data) message-body :start2 3)
(setf (slot-value message 'crc-code) (logior (aref message-body (+ (aref message-body 2) 3)) (ash (aref message-body (+ (aref message-body 2) 4)) 8)))
; receive g26 message
(defun get-message (fd)
(when (null fd)
(error "get-message: serial port not open."))
(let ((message-body (make-array 261 :element-type 'unsigned-byte :initial-element 0)))
(when (= (read-sequence message-body fd) 3)
(when (= (read-sequence message-body fd :start 3) (+ (aref message-body 2) 2))
(crc16 (subseq message-body 0 (- (length message-body) 2)))
(let ((message (array-to-message message-body)))
; send a message to g26
(defun send-message (fd message)
(when (null fd)
(error "send-message: serial port not open."))
(when (null message)
(error "send-message: wrong message."))
(let ((message-body (message-to-array message)))
(loop for i from 0 below (length message-body) do
(write-byte (aref message-body i) fd))
(length message-body)))
; start it all
(defun start-communication (serial-port-name)
(let ((serial-port-descriptor (open-serial-port serial-port-name)))
(when (< serial-port-descriptor 0)
(error "start-communication: serial port not open."))
(let ((serial-port-config (get-serial-port-config serial-port-descriptor)))
(setf (sb-posix:termios-cflag serial-port-config) (logior sb-posix:b115200 sb-posix:PARENB sb-posix:PARODD))
(set-serial-port-config serial-port-descriptor serial-port-config)
; let's communicate with g26
(let ((serial-port-stream (sb-sys:make-fd-stream serial-port-descriptor :element-type 'unsigned-byte)))
(send-message serial-port-stream *status-general*)
(close serial-port-stream)
(close-serial-port serial-port-descriptor)))))
; crc16 calculation
(defun crc16 (buffer)
(unless (null buffer)
(when (arrayp buffer)
(let ((crc-value 0))
(loop for i from 0 below (length buffer) do
(setf crc-value (logand (logxor (aref *crc-table* (logxor (ash crc-value -8) (aref buffer i))) (ash crc-value 8)) #xffff)))
Thanks to smart people on #lisp: Xach, stassat, H4ns and the others :)
G26 it's a smart robot that performs biological/chemical manipulations on human fluids.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Starting the project!!!
In a few days I'll come back to work on Lisp to control the little robot. More details in the near future!
Sunday, 9 January 2011
The squire of GOTOs.
SULU: Captain, how far do we go along with this charade?
KIRK: Until we can think our way out. Meanwhile, we accept his hospitality.
MCCOY: You should taste his food. Straw would taste better than his meat, and water a hundred times better than his brandy. Nothing has any taste at all.
SPOCK: It may be unappetizing, Doctor, but it is very logical.
MCCOY: There's that magic word again. Does your logic find this fascinating, Mister Spock?
KIRK: Until we can think our way out. Meanwhile, we accept his hospitality.
MCCOY: You should taste his food. Straw would taste better than his meat, and water a hundred times better than his brandy. Nothing has any taste at all.
SPOCK: It may be unappetizing, Doctor, but it is very logical.
MCCOY: There's that magic word again. Does your logic find this fascinating, Mister Spock?
Monday, 3 January 2011
A nasty piece of work robot!
In which I'm trying to write a Lisp program to control an industrial robot...
I warn you to read on: I'm a perfect noob in the complex lisp world or better Lisp (to say Common Lisp), the informations that I'll dare to write on this blog have to be carefully weighted. I'm waiting for you to write down your comments and hints on my humble (and I hope useful) work. Thank you!!!
I warn you to read on: I'm a perfect noob in the complex lisp world or better Lisp (to say Common Lisp), the informations that I'll dare to write on this blog have to be carefully weighted. I'm waiting for you to write down your comments and hints on my humble (and I hope useful) work. Thank you!!!
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Some books to know Lisp and...
Here there's a list about books dealing with Lisp:
- Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition - G. L. Steele
- Guida all'uso del linguaggio LISP - C. Queinnec
- Practical Common Lisp - P. Seibel
- Land of LISP - C. Barsky
- The Algorithm Design Manual - S. Skiena
- Intelligenza artificiale: un approccio moderno (volume 1 e 2) - S. Russel, P. Norvig
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